NE J Street Interchange


Hearing Materials

Review Hearing Materials


Thank you for participating in this Location and Design Public Hearing.

Please review the project documents below. Use the quick links to find materials on this page.

Click on any image to open up the document in a new web browser window to look at the material in greater detail.

The symbol 🔗 means the graphic serves as a hyperlink.



Project Summary


Project Map


Hearing Packet


Typical Sections




Exhibit Boards

Why Are We Having This Meeting?


Project Overview


(Updated on 8/14/24)

What's Next?


Project Location Map


Roll Plot - South Side


(Updated on 8/8/24)

Roll Plot - North Side


(Updated on 8/8/24)

Landscape Walls


Roll Plot - Overview


(Updated on 8/8/24)



Right of Way Procedures for Acquisition Manual
